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  • UHUK Seeks Chair and Medical Director

    Author: Sarah Fletcher

    UHUK are seeking to fill two positions;

    UHUK Chair

    The Chair of UHUK will provide strategic leadership to the Board of Directors, ensuring the organisation fulfils its mission to support and represent social enterprise urgent and integrated healthcare providers. 

    The Chair will oversee the governance of the organisation, facilitate effective board meetings, and act as an ambassador for UHUK at national and regional levels, promoting its values, objectives and the impact of its members to stakeholders, NHS leaders and the broader community.

    UHUK Medical Director

    The Medical Director will provide strategic leadership and clinical oversight to UHUK.

    This role is critical in ensuring the highest standards of clinical care across our member organisations. The Medical Director will work closely with the CEO, the Board of Directors, and other member senior leaders to drive clinical excellence, foster innovation and advocate for the interests of social enterprise urgent healthcare providers.

    UHUK is committed to inclusion, equality and diversity and to attracting, developing and advancing the most talented individuals. We are actively seeking to increase diversity within our board to bring fresh insight and new perspectives.

    For full role description and details on how to apply, please see pdfs below:

  • UHUK’s response to the general election announcement

    Author: Sarah Fletcher

    A pivotal moment for NHS Social Enterprises

    The upcoming general election is a timely opportunity for UHUK to highlight the value of NHS social enterprises in delivering high quality care - alongside advocating for their crucial role in the essential healthcare system transformations that will directly benefit communities' health and well-being.

    Urgent need for a bold approach

    We need a collective approach to improve public satisfaction with the NHS, so we encourage all political parties and independent candidates to clearly articulate their plans to improve patient care, patient experience, and access to services. We urge any incoming government to adopt a bold approach that places social enterprises at the heart of urgent and integrated health service design.

    The UHUK difference

    UHUK members consistently demonstrate innovation, agility, and responsiveness to changing demands. They deliver cost-effective exceptional care models, with balanced books and good or outstanding CQC ratings. Unlike private enterprises, they reinvest surpluses back into improving services for their communities.

    The collaborative work of our social enterprise members enables the NHS to focus on those patients with the most critical health needs.  Our interventions and innovative service provisions add valuable capacity, with patient care managed outside of hospitals - freeing up NHS resources for other priorities.

    Key priorities for the next government:

    1. Reducing Pressure on Emergency Departments and Acute Trusts: 

    • UHUK members serve 64% of the UK population for urgent care, working closely with NHS partners, voluntary, community and faith organisations to coordinate patient care around the clock, every day of the year, at patients’ homes, in treatment centres, and in the community. 
    • By triaging and referring patients to appropriate services, they free up emergency services for those who need them most. 
    • We advocate for greater recognition of the role played by social enterprises and encourage authentic collaboration between social enterprise and the NHS.

    2. Addressing Health Inequalities: 

    • UHUK members are rooted in the community and lead the local implementation of best practice. 
    • With our knowledge and experience, we can significantly contribute to, and actively shape, national health care policy to ensure that vulnerable and marginalised groups receive the care and support they need to achieve better health outcomes. 

    3. Driving Innovation and Technology: 

    • Through our innovation programme with Warwick University, UHUK’s social enterprises are at the forefront of healthcare innovation.
    • Embracing digital health solutions, virtual care, and advanced medical technologies can revolutionise healthcare.
    • We call for increased investment in this area to help us further facilitate enhanced patient care and operational efficiency. 

    4. Securing Funding for Urgent Care Services: 

    • UHUK members reduce the pressure on vital emergency services daily, integrating and collaborating with voluntary, community and faith organisations to provide person-centred care within the community. 
    • We call on all political parties to pledge targeted increased investment in these areas to improve patient outcomes, reduce pressure on emergency departments and acute trusts, and ensure timely access to necessary medical care for all. 
    • Additionally, we advocate for procurement models that recognise the added value of social enterprises within the NHS.

    A call to action

    As the election approaches, UHUK stands ready to work with all political leaders to ensure that social enterprises supporting the NHS remain integral to our healthcare system's future. We believe in the power of social enterprises to drive meaningful change and improve the health and well-being of our communities.

  • UHUK Calls for Equitable Funding for NHS Pay Awards

    Author: Sarah Fletcher

    UHUK, representing social enterprises and community interest companies providing urgent and integrated care services, urges the Department of Health and Social Care to review and amend their funding decisions for the 2022-23 non-consolidated pay award to include NHS workers in non-Annexe 1 community interest companies and social enterprise and organisations. We also call for UHUK's involvement in future pay award discussions to prevent further discrimination against these essential workers.

    UHUK members deliver crucial healthcare services, covering 64% of the UK population, especially during out-of-hours periods. Their employees provide compassionate, dedicated care, relieving pressure on ambulance services, A&E, and GPs. Despite their critical role and close collaboration with the NHS, these employees have been unfairly excluded from the recent pay awards.

    When the 2022-23 non-consolidated pay award was announced, tens of thousands of staff anticipated receiving it alongside their NHS colleagues. However, they were dismayed to find out they were excluded. These members of staff, who made exceptional contributions throughout the pandemic, deserve recognition and equitable treatment.

    The government’s subsequent announcement enabled 27,000 additional employees to receive the pay award, an outcome we welcome. However, this did not extend to all social enterprises and community interest companies, leaving 15,000 dedicated healthcare professionals feeling undervalued and financially disadvantaged.

    All UHUK member organisations that applied for the funding were refused, including those with staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions who transferred under TUPE from NHS roles. This exclusion is particularly unfair to those who were NHS employees for 11 of the 12 months the pay award covered.

    UHUK’s members employ motivated teams who provide exceptional care, easing the burden on emergency services and primary care. The lack of recognition is demoralising and could lead to higher attrition rates, which is detrimental when the NHS is already struggling with recruitment and retention. It could also increase costs to NHS commissioners going forward.  UHUK members will have no alternative but to increase salaries to retain staff which they will inevitably seek to recoup in future service contracts.

    We support the principle of equity for all healthcare employees who supported the NHS during the pandemic. The current funding disparity is unjust and fails to acknowledge the contributions of those employed by non-annex one organisations.

    We urge the Government and DHSC to reconsider their criteria and approach to this pay award funding. Additionally, we call for UHUK’s inclusion in future pay award discussions to ensure fair and equal treatment for all healthcare workers.